Thursday 20 October 2016

Final Words

Super proud of our achievements these past 6 weeks especially, we pushed ourselves and ideas to their limits and came up with something pretty dope.
The idea of connection through the connecting and growing of the groves as well as the specialized toys to life characters, I was especially invested in and wish we had the time to actually make the game!

Reflective Diary Post

I'm posting this here are a summary of my Reflective Diary. Easier to access.

Week 1:

  •  Tuesday: Examined 3 readings based on wellbeing, did an excercise involving learning about one of them
  • Friday: Teamed up with Liam, and chose our project, we went with stress in the city. Exploring the idea of user personas and trying to empathize.
Week 2:
  • Tuesday: Research based work, contacted my parents who live in Singapore which is an incredibly stressful city, as well as contacting family and friends in Auckland, as well as talking to friends in Wellington.
  • Friday: Continuing with research and use profiles, enjoying creating characters and their problems. Having trouble coming up with meaningful insights, need to sort through more research.
Week 3:
  • Tuesday: As per the advice of Jason, take a stab at how we're going to present, and then fall back to refine the idea. I'm getting frustrated with lack of fruition, but it's early days! We're thinking about a comic book style presentation.
  • Friday: Tried a new approach at a different persona at the request of Liam. Back and forth is frustrating, and I'm incredibly sure there's potential in the work and research we have, but we've yet to uncover it.
Week 4:
  • Tuesday: Sick day, sent a few sketches, but overall not much accomplished.
  • Friday: Back in the saddle with a digital reiteration of my comic sketches, a little more humour and little more flow. After a mini-critique with Alfred and Ryan as well as Hamish and Micky, have decided to go for bigger cells, less on the screen to read while presenting.
Week 5:
  • Tuesday: Finally had a breakthrough with our idea after a conversation with Jason, we were over complicating the needs and oversimplifying the how might we, as well as putting some of the points in places where they didn't necessarily belong.
  • Friday: Attempted with less cells on the screen, but still feels far too wordy, am going to attempt to make the presentation extremely visual, and talk to it a lot more.
Week 6:
  • Tuesday: Prepping for Presentations, illustrating each slide as its own pane, with small amounts of speech bubbles and (hopefully) amusing jokes. Jason suggested the slideshow act as more of a narrative, and as an illustrator and storyteller I'm really digging the idea.
  • Friday: Presentation day, decided to throw the notes. It's more fun without them.

  • Had a discussion regarding where we might like to go with this and had a chat with some people regarding collaboration. Also went to Singapore so that's dope.

Week 7:
  • Tuesday: We decided on picking up Bobbie and adding him to the team, he's a hard worker and a talented digital painter. We need all the talent we can get because we wanna go for something really big here. Also decided we'd be tackling a different brief regarding a young Syrian Refugee, and trying to help him through his situation.
  • Friday: Tossing around ideas with the boys, the popular ideas seem to be a story book and a TV show (unsurprising considering it's 3 illustration nuts in one group). Fixated on animals as characters.
Week 8:
  • Tuesday: After having seen and talking to/working with some other groups, it's kind of bothering me that the idea of a cartoon or a story book isn't ground breaking. I was helping Alfred toy around with the idea of a virtual connect the dots wall that replicates itself in two homes, as well as watching Micky and Hamish try to challenge the norms on the subject of communication. Everyone's heading in a groundbreaking direction, and I don't want to miss an opportunity to do something awesome.
  • Friday: Talking over with the team we all agree we should be pushing our idea further, we like the animals, and we love the idea of bringing Kiwi kids in as part of the brief, a two way street type deal where we really get a sense of empathy and connection.
Week 9:
  • Tuesday: Prototyping an App that allows kids to use different animals, representing different countries, to communicate in different languages. I'm not quite sold, but it's the best idea we've got.
  • Friday: Continuing to push our translator, adding games they can play to unlock new characters. Jason doesn't get it. Neither do I at this point.
Week 10:
  • Tuesday: We changed our idea again. The lads have been pretty keen on a story for a while, so we're doing an interactive one, I'm still coming off the app idea and think there's something in it. Have been looking into Toys to Life games recently (Skylanders and Disney infinity), there's definitely something in it. A sense of magic I'd love to capture. Think we're gonna use toys are characters in the story.
  • Friday: Interactive story with characters based on toys you connect to the computer is in full production, the lads are painting up backgrounds, I'm working on character designs.
Week 11:
  • Tuesday: with some though and feedback (And after one of my famous moments of frustration) I kept pushing for us to take the idea further, and we've ended up at a game where you can explore different worlds together based on what characters you are.
  • Friday: Everyone's hard at work in production, I'm whipping up animation cycles and everything we need for the in-game characters as well as roughing up ideas for UI.  Bobbie is working on environments, and Liam is finishing his Models.
Week 12: 
  • Tuesday: Some last minute illustrations being done for presentation, I really wanted to tie it to our first presentation (despite the different subject) and go for gold on that narrative aspect of the whole thing, which I think is the best way to go after all the feedback we've received.
  • Friday: The big day, I think it went really well. Was chuffed to have some positive feedback from classmates. Super impressed with the standard of work from everyone. Thankful for the guidance of the lecturers, shout out to our main man Jason for getting us through the shit ideas! 
exchange 1

mostly explained our briefs and plans, as many of us were still at the
research stage nobody found it that useful to have this early on.
Being a little unsure on what exactly my briefs aim was didn't help
but groups were friendly (we were merged with another group as many
were away)

For all other exchanges my friend Chis was the only one that showed up, most of feedback fitted with everyone else we had talked to about project. Mostly talked more about what he was working on.

week 1 Tuesday

missed lesson due to timetable confusion, caught up with readings and
made sure to check what happened in the lesson with peers

week 1 Friday

In group, still unsure on aims of research but looking into stress in
city with team mate Jeremy

week 2 Tuesday

Further research explore some new ways people get stressed

Week 2 Friday

Getting more of an idea of project but is still all research based and
insight based, feels odd trying to create insights into peoples lives
that we have made up.

Week 3 Tuesday

Decided to do it comic style as we are both primarily illustrators and
it would tell the story in a more fun and interesting way

Week 3 Friday

Had some issues with the ideas being broad enough and thought maybe an
idea change might be a good idea but after talking to teacher
discovered we were focusing too much on our persona and not enough at
the target audience in general

Week 4 Tuesday

Jeremy was sick today but sent through sketch ideas which critiquing
group liked, was confused on 5 ways to well beings part in the project
but better understand it now.

Week 5

Finalising Ideas and looking into how to visually represent it in presentation and dossier

Week 6

Jeremy put together lots if great visuals for presentation and handled presentation as it is one of his strengths, I put together dossier which though layout is not one of my strong points it was good experience.

Week 7

We picked a new project and Bobbie joined our group. To play to our strengths as we are all primarily illustrator, we chose a brief that could potentially have a visual solution. The Syrian refugee brief fitted this and was one of the more interesting projects as well as it potentially having a really positive impact.

Week 8

Exploring storybook idea which would fit our ideas but looking to do something more than that as well, we are looking at some sort of translating toy which would help with communication

Week 9

Looking into having a toys to life book potentially, very keen on giving the refugees a possession. Conceptual figure was done by bobbie, Jeremy has done character concept and I've looked into some storybook concepts though the story is not progressing well.

Week 10

We are working on a toys to life interactive book, I have started sculpting characters based on Jeremy's Concept designs, we are trying to create a story which is completed by having both a refugee and a New Zealand kid together which is great in concept but difficult to create.

Week 11

Changed to toys to life game as the idea did not seem as finished as it could be, this really feels allot better and Jeremy has a lot of knowledge about this sort of game. For this Jeremy has started work on an animation cycle and Bobbie is creating the backgrounds. 

Week 12

Final presentation set up by Jeremy, Bobbie finished up Backgrounds and added Jeremy's animations to them. I finished up model painting which took far longer than I expected it to and put together the dossier. Project actually came together really well and is one of my favourite projects so far.

Illustrations created for the final presentation

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Model making baking and final paint of Syrian Eagle

Bobbies workbook

These are sketches and brain storms from the beginning of the Syrian brief when we where considering a translation toy or plush. We eventually changed this idea almost completely.  

This was going to be a page in a story book we where originally going to produce for the project. We eventually scraped the idea in favour of the toys to life idea we eventually stuck to.

Saturday 15 October 2016

Run cycles

With a total of about 40 hours sunk into these, I'm pretty proud of these run cycles. Took hella long to actually get the gist of frame by frame animation.